Step 2: Create and link a MetaMask wallet
After registering and completing ID verification, you need to create a MetaMask wallet and connect it to Sabai ID. This is where the tokens you acquire will be stored.
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After registering and completing ID verification, you need to create a MetaMask wallet and connect it to Sabai ID. This is where the tokens you acquire will be stored.
Last updated
Go to the MetaMask website and click on Download.
Install the extension for your browser.
Review and agree to MetaMask's terms of use by checking the appropriate box. Then, click on the "Create New Wallet" button and consent (or decline) to data collection by MetaMask.
Create a password for the wallet, confirm your understanding that MetaMask cannot recover this password, and click "Create New Wallet." Next, click "Secure my Wallet" and then "Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase." Save the recovery phrase in a secure place. Remember that without it, you won't be able to access the wallet! After that, click "Next."
Verify the recovery phrase by entering its corresponding parts into the empty fields and click "Confirm."
Congratulations! You have successfully created your MetaMask wallet!
IMPORTANT! You should enable automatic token importing in your MetaMask so that any new tokens arriving in your wallet are promptly displayed. To do this, open Settings and go to "Security & Privacy". Then, turn on the "Autodetect tokens" function.
In Sabai ID, go to the "External Wallet" section and click "Link Wallet to Account."
In the popup window, click "Next" and then, click "Connect."
Afterward, click "Link Wallet to Account" again.
Congratulations! Your MetaMask cryptocurrency wallet is successfully linked to Sabai ID.
NOTE: Currently, connecting MetaMask is only available in the desktop version.